Thistles and Thrones: The Fall of the Golden Horde

Welcome to the time of the fall of a great empire. The Mongol Empire has collapsed, and what will happen to its parts? Or rather, to the Golden Horde. A weakening empire, like a scorched earth, feeds new shoots with its remains. And plenty of those shoots appear.  The Golden Horde faces internal strife, as formidable Khans fight over the rule, external threats rise as Timurid’s Empire strengthens and grows, and past alliances shift as city-state Princesses ruling under a Jarling feel the wind of freedom blow over their land. This raises the question, of who will remain and who will be left in books and legends. Will the Khans find a way to retain old alliances and create new ones? Or will new Empires emerge from the West or the South? It is up to you to decide. Protect and grow your domain, as tensions rise, navigate through a complicated field laced with cultural, national, and religious tensions, and keep the favor of your people. Find out - how much war can an old nation afford? And how much peace, can a new nation retain? 

Mariyam Temirbayeva
Mariyam Temirbayeva is a junior at Florida International University, majoring in International Relations and pursuing a certificate in International Logistics. She is an Honors College student and became passionate about Model United Nations after joining in spring semester 2024. Mariyam also serves as an executive member of the Central Asian Student Association (CASA) at FIU. Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan, Mariyam moved to Miami three years ago to explore new opportunities. She is a former gymnast with a love for dancing. At FIMUN 37, Mariyam will be the Chair of the Crisis Committee for "Thistles and Thrones: The Fall of the Golden Horde," a topic that resonates deeply with her due to its close connection to the history of her country. She looks forward to contributing to the success of this exciting conference. 

Crisis Director
Polina Evdokimova

Polina Evdokimova was born in Moscow, Russia. She spe­nt the first eleve­n years of her life the­re, surrounded by rich culture and history. Her studies were mixed between art and history through attendants of Golovano's Music School and Serov's Art School, and studies of natural sciences through MSU's department of experimental medicine. At age­ eleven, Polina move­d to the United States, however, went back and forth between two countries never staying in one for more than 2 years. Currently, Polina is studying Biochemistry and Human Rights and Political Transitions. Two of her main interests are Eastern Europe­an history and politics and gene­tic engineering. Outside­ of school, Polina has practiced mounted archery for four ye­ars. Mounted archery require­s physical skill and a high knowledge of traditions and historical practices. This hobby embodies her belief that the future can only come hand in hand with an understanding of the past.