As the carpulation continues to expand, the world of Cars is facing a widespread ecological disaster. Car-driven climate change has made coolant much harder to locate, with some nations fearing that wars will begin over the limited coolant left. Oil has also been recognized to be a dwindling resource, with few car-nations having monopolies over them. These ongoing issues have led the United Automobiles (UA) to convene a meeting of the United Automobiles Environmental Program (UAEP) with the goal to find solutions to these massive issues before environmental catastrophe destroys the planet!
Crisis Director
Max Keck
Max Keck is a student studying in Taiwan - the other side of the world! Despite this he still loves doing Model UN and has remained a communicative member of the FIU Model UN team over Whatsapp and his consistent support of FIMUN. He served as the Chief Financial Officer for FIMUN 35 and the Chief of Business of FIMUN 36 as well as directing the Washington Naval Conference committee. He is exited to provide support for FIMUN across many seas through this car-centric committee.
Crisis Director
Lucas Sastre